Combined Sewer Overflow Public Notification Plan

This program was developed in compliance with the requirements of the Village’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) General Permit No. ILM58006. The primary objective of this program is to inform the public in the event of combined sewer overflows. 

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) has flow monitoring equipment installed at representative locations throughout its service area, including the drop shafts to which Arlington Height’s combined sewers are tributary. In addition, the MWRD has created a public notification plan that includes signage at the outfalls, a web page to inform the public of CSO occurrences, and an email address book for the sending of CSO notifications to interested parties.

In the interest of avoiding a redundancy of efforts, the MWRD has invited TARP municipalities to use the MWRD Public Notification Plan for their public notification compliance. The MWRD has developed an opt-in public notification system. Members of the public are able to sign up to receive e-mail and/or text notification of CSO events by accessing the MWRD website.

These parties will be sent an email and/or text alert in the event of a known CSO or diversion to Lake Michigan. The alert contains a link to the District’s CSO website where CSO discharges are displayed on an interactive map. The MWRD website contains additional information on this topic.

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